Moving on from last weeks collect project I selected 4 objects that I would develop 12 ‘translations’ for each. I chose 4 to begin with as I wasn’t sure how many I could come up with for one object. The flask I ditched as I was I came up with very few ideas to portray it. In my development you will see that I wanted to present the three objects in a story line child book illustration to catalogue my work. As I started to develop I was finding it increasingly hard to come up with a narrative that would allow 36 translations to be portrayed. I do however want to carry on my development of this, now that I have all 36 translations, to see what I can come up with.
For this week, I catalogued my object in several different ways magnifying there physical and emotional attributes by looking at there form, texture, emotional connections, colour and patterning. I did this by creating several illustrations, photographs and written forms to give you a deeper understanding of the objects. With out meaning to all the object have a certain colour theme which makes it easier to visualise what “translation” is for one object.